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Steve Hague

Why it's Better to Carry a Shorter Stick

Everyone at some point in their career has worked for a manager who wielded a big stick that was used indiscriminately creating havoc amongst his workers. The question nobody wanted to ask was what drove him or her to respond in such a manner? In times past leadership from above looked down pleased with the results these despots garnered for their businesses. The tactics were never questioned, they were always praised

for results that fulfilled the bottom line. But is it possible to carry a shorter stick and achieve better results? This article will explore the possibilities.

So who is best suited for this job, what are the best tools for optimal results? Just because a candidate has several degrees behind his or her name may mean they are qualified but not corrected suited for the position depending on disposition and judgement. What qualities should a this person have? It's been said that having good interpersonal skills is a must but let's be honest, do having good hard skills generally equate to having the desired soft skills? Most universities are great at instilling the theories of management and other processes necessary but lack in the department of teaching interpersonal skills. So where does one go to hone these soft skills? Does the company fire the so called "despot"? Or do they find another solution?

Today business owners generally are very savvy and have the acumen to tame these unruly stalwarts from their own demise. What do they do? They hire a coach who comes in to help retain but retrain the pedantic nature of the individual so that they can grow in a whole new direction. By the pure nature of most leadership every person is valuable even if faulty. This can actually set the tone for the coach to create a more balanced employee.

Now the very nature of the stick changes and can be used in a whole new way that will help motivate, encourage, and inspire his colleagues. It comes from understanding that creating a healthy culture within the organization begins at the top and filters to every rung in the stratus of business. If the answer was just hire a coach to solve the problems everything could be dandy. If every business stood by it's core values the culture created would cultivate the type of success that everyone involved would join in the vision. Success would soon follow.

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